Pamukkale Weather
This is an overview of the weather and climate in Pamukkale in Denizli, Turkey. The average temperature is 8 degrees Celsius (46 Fahrenheit) in winter and 24 degrees Celsius (75 Fahrenheit) in summer. For the elderly and families with children the best months to visit Pamukkale are April, May and October. These months have generally mild weather.
The water temperature is about 35.6 degrees Celsius (96 Fahrenheit) for the source and about 20 degrees Celsius (68 Fahrenheit) in the travertines. Young and old will be able to enjoy without risk to the health of the water too hot or too cold. Near the cotton castle you can also find activities such as spa and mud baths.
Pamukkale in the winter
You can visit Pamukkale all year long. The opening times from October 3 till April 14 are from 08:30 to 17:00 every day. The average temperature is 8 degrees Celsius (46 Fahrenheit) in winter.
Pamukkale Climate
Pamukkale is located in Aegean Region of Turkey, but the climate is not uniform neither in Aegean Region nor in the Province of Denizli. A terrestrial climate weather may be felt in the center of the province, because the area is like a pathway from the seaside to inland areas. The inland areas, like Çardak, Bozkurt, Çivril and Çal districts/counties of the Province are cooler and have a higher elevation than the seaside Western Part of the Province. Therefore there are climatic differences within the Province and even in the Denizli urbanized area. The land is open to winds coming from the Aegean Sea because the mountains are perpendicular to the sea. Winters are rainy or sometimes snowy, but generally mild weather.