There are 2 Corona suspects in Denizli

There are 2 suspicious cases in Denizli and their examinations and treatments are being carried out in the hospital. Governor Hasan Karahan told citizens not to go out unless they are obligatory. They also need to avoid public places and take care of their personal hygiene.
Karahan states that our citizens will receive maximum attention in order to prevent them from being affected by the disease. It is important to comply with the warnings and recommendations of our Ministry of Health and official institutions and not to respect the unfounded news. This will help prevent the spread of the disease.
The virus started in China and continues to threaten the world. The World Health Organization describes the situation as pandemic.
The corona measures in Denizli
A provincial meeting was held with participation of chief physicians of public hospitals and authorities of private hospitals. The case management in Denizli and the measures to be taken together with all health institutions were discussed and resolved. The measures to be taken in Denizli against the coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic were evaluated at the Hygiene Committee Meeting.
New coronavirus precautions, public information and awareness raising activities were evaluated. It is decided to carry out communication activities under the lead of Governor Karahan and Provincial Health Directorate. Brochures, posters and images prepared by the Ministry of Health will be shared in official institutions, public areas, city buses and billboards. This will inform people about this issue.
Governor Karahan announced that 192 citizens were checked by the health teams at the airport. They returned from Umrah and were informed that they need to be kept in their homes for 14 days. They should not accept visitors in any way and isolate themselves.